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I have some ideas for the game. The first idea I have is that there could be a button that organizes the plants and zombies for the Xbox version of PVZ. The second idea is to have hats in the store to put on plants and zombies. and I have another idea, but it would be more complicated to do, it would be a system that allows you to create your own zombie or plant.

I would appreciate it if you would go to the discord to comment on these ideas, however I regret to tell you that none of these ideas are possible.

I detected a trojan!

yea its a false positive dont worry


Wallnut bust a nut


I love PvZ so much!!!!!!

(1 edit) (+2)


So, this can be played online with other people? not just on the same keyboard?


Does the game work with a controller? If so, mine isn't working, my controller is a Feir usb ps2


try with antimicro antimicro download |

Are you going to put the Portuguese language in the game?

one person was helping me with the translation but I stopped receiving a response.

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm having some problems with the game, when I go to that options tab, my game crash, Besides, when the game crashes my PC/notebook restarts.

But this isn't always happening, I'm just saying this because this is definitely a bug, it doesn't affect the game. The game is incredible.🙂

Are you going to put the pool map in the game?

no, the game content on my part has come to an end

there's pool now, as Coop Mode endless and other maps can be purchased in shop

why does the peashooter zombie shoots 4 peas?


he is the gatling pea 😎


whenever I open up the online tab, and try to select a mode, I never end up getting the online lobby U.I., instead only getting the text saying how to exit, the input lag, the zombie creation menu button, and the "random seed: both player must..." text

gonna try a reinstall, just thought I'd say it here so you're aware B)

I recommend you to enter the discord to check better your problem, for now it seems that it is a problem between your network and the server

update here, still hasn't shown up after a few reinstalls as a just in case, and also after trying the most recent update directly from here, instead of the launcher


Level Maker & custom levels are such an underrated part of the game. Infinite potential!

Its not letting me download it onto my computer

Its not a bug.

The Level Maker isn't working can you fix it please

whats not working?Could you be more specific?


Buenisimo. Good




in android?

What devices and controls can play the game?

This game can be played in pc(windows) with keyboard, joysticks and mouse. This project is designed exclusively for Windows and it will not be compatible with other platforms. Therefore, you cannot play on Android, Mac or iOS devices. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

when will the next update be released?

Almost done, I'm giving it some final touches in about 5 days.

how to do download? it tell me to downloadd like C++

Could you enter the discord? It's a bit of a weird mistake, maybe I can explain it better there

(1 edit)

can you make it so we can choose which side to play (plants or zombies) for survival mode (single-player)

I don't know how to make the AI know how to play

a few bugs in ivtmaker that I found.

boombox zombies' id is 58 instead of 57. gold leaf doesn't spawn when summoned by ivtmaker. hope this helps..

I appreciate your reports and they will be fixed for the next version.


I'll let you know if I find anymore bugs.

(1 edit)

I found a few more bugs. peashooter id is 2 instead of 1. sunflowers id is 1 instead of 2. when you summon more than one coffee tiles, only 1 spawn. minecarts and rails don't spawn if spawned by pl87.

(1 edit)

The IDs can be found in the game almanac (since you will probably find that they are all offset by 1), where did you see that sunflower I'd is 2?

when I type 2, I get peashooter and when I type 1, I get sunflower. 

maybe make a drag and drop

sorry i cannot do that

what is the online version of this

You can use the launcher for autoupdate

Deleted post

What happens when you open the launcher.exe?

Is it possible to turn on vase mode for local play?

Yeah but it is hidden press CRT + v in a local match

k thx


This game is epic


Small bug(very minor nitpick): All things that scroll(plant/zombie select screen, penny shop, etc.) can be scrolled past the amount of actual things available, you can scroll back to where there is actual stuff but it's kinda boring :p, plus on Parsec the guy playing with you can just keep pressing up/down key on select screen and do a little trollin

well, I will put a limit to the scroll, regarding parsec it is impossible to make the hoster not to press your keys, that's why the game has its own way to play online without the need of third party applications.


Love this game so far, been enjoying it with friends. Thanks a ton for making it free! Just one suggestion, i think the esc key should not cause you to leave the game, it's quite annying to accidentally leave a game in progress. Instead you could have a pause button in a corner. :)

the game can't be paused, however i could make a menu appear when you press esq where you can go back or return to the game, what do you say?

Deleted 2 years ago

Puedes conseguir monedas jugando online o en el modo de 1 jugador


Esta increible me encanta demasiado ya tengo otro nuevo juego favorito :D

Que bien que te guste, gracias por comentar✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧


so uhh.. iceberg lettuce froze an imp thrown by a garg then after that, the imp starts float walking and passed through the lawnmower and the zombies won

thanks for reporting. (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

hey ive got a question

well, I'm listening

(1 edit)

Im wondering if theres a way to like mod the game and i also have no idea what the caffe tile does as well

In regards to modifying the game, it's actually not possible to do so in a significant way. The only things that can be changed are some songs or sound effects(piano). And as for the "caffe tile," its function is actually to speed up the ability of the plants.

(1 edit)

oh well thanks

It's cool, but kinda buggy and unbalanced

at least write some examples of what you want to fix.

1)sweet potato doesn't work with some effects

2)2+ sweet potatoes on adjacent lines = teleport

2)gargantuars can spawn imps on the adjacent lines

3)after planting a solar grave when you plant a basic grave, solar appears

4)I can plant speakers on graves

5)I can plant speakers on speakers

6) Iceberg lettuce works weird

There are a lot more of them, but nuh, I'm too lazy

1. I need more context.

2. What is supposed to happen.

2. I have never seen that

3. was a kind of nerf to that strategy(intentional).

4. 5. Speakers count like graves. when you put a grave over other grave the one with less health is destroyed.



it is good, but the zombies are very strongers..


bro which one do i download there are 9 different downloads 

"never will be exported to other plataforms"

this game is the stupidest game I ever saw



Yo, fun game. Really funny graphics. Very cool!


VERY GOOD love the pixel art and the discord community is very nice and helpful!


My goodness the game was so fun!

Small Issue:

chard guard cant throw pole

pole can jump anything

Zoy bean is cursed, you can plant another plant on top

swash buckler too fast in swing

swash bucklers phase through lawn mowers

king zombie goes into the bushes when thyme warp is used

two pilots spawn at once even tho its only one

zombie with acid head too op

caller zombie with mic too op

cannon imp dont move when pianist zombie is spawned XD (joke)

when zomboni gets kicked by kick dancer, the top lane of zomboni gets ice too

Kidding when i said small

thanks, i'll be fixing them, what do you mean by caller zombie with mic?

I dunno, the zombie with the microphone that spawns imps. I honestly forgot it's name

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