Hey, I noticed that the Russian translation for almanac is quite ...questionable, to say the least. I think I can help since I am pretty fluent both at English AND Russian!
Привет! В чуть боле старых версиях игры (около 1.3) использовался ручной перевод, из-за небольшого недоразумения почему-то сменили на гугл перевод.
Я был ответственнен за перевод на русский язык и собирался исправить всё обратно, но забросил из-за личных проблем. Я был бы рад объединится, так как свежая перспектива и мнение были бы очень полезны!
Игра переделывается на новом движке Godot, за прогрессом ты можешь следить в их дискорд группе.
Все новые растения и зомби будут добавлены уже в полностью новой версии игры. Версия доступная сейчас максимум будет получать исправления багов и балансировку слишком сильных растений или зомби.
I wonder at what level you have to go to ask the creator of something if he hid a vidrus in his game, the only thing I can tell you is: Plants vs. Zombies It's Versus Time is a fan game inspired by PVZ2 and the Versus Mode PVZ1 that adds multiple maps, new features, and new units from Plants vs. Zombies 2. This game is allows local and online play with other players. The object of the game is to knockout three zombie targets or attack your opponent's house with hungry zombies. The game has a variety of modes, which include classical survival, Co-op Mode in pool, and plants vs Dr. Zomboss on the roof.
Really? Maybe I have to check it first when I'm with my PC, because what I read in your changelog here are just balancing / buff / nerf
About Lily Pad bug : Have you forgotten? I was making a report to you about that a few months ago. When Lily Pad that placed on the ground (not on the water) gets bitten by Zombie, my game crashed. It's because in original PvZ 2, the zombies never eat Lily Pad on the ground, they just walk through it (like Spikeweed, for example) 😐
I want to see Scaredy-shroom,Doom-shroom,Gloom-shroom and Cob Cannon (also that comment was on my alt account and this comment is from my main account)
Hi, I loved your game is the best fan game of pvz I have ever played.
I write this comment to warning you of something you of a thing you have wroten in bad way of Spanish translation, this is in zombie "poncho" (in spanish), you have put in his desctiption: "puede o no aparecer con armadra) but the correct way of say it is: "puede on no aparecer con armadura"
Hey man love your game, So there's definitely some things that need to be changed For balance purposes. For starters a lot of custom zombies Have a lot of damage output compared to their cost, And some are broken like though biotank zombie, where when defeated his head rolls and then destroys plants, but we found out that a bunch of projectiles kept on going over the head and it couldn't seem to damage it and instead of destroying one plant it destroys a couple in a lane, that definitely needs to be fixed.
some bugs I encountered. Bungee Zombie will jump the plant but will still behind behind enough to start eating the plant, both plants and zombies can place sunflowers and other plants stacked up on top each other. a lot of different zombies with movement abilities and Elaine jumping seems to jump a lot forward than they should be, the Egyptians Sun Steeler: plant side has no way to collect the sun before it's stolen, the Steeler does not stop moving when stealing Sun. when defeated plan side doesn't get any of their sun back.These are some of the things that need to be balanced and patched please keep up the work in developing this game because this is perfect fan game and we love to see it developed and patched further
Also do you know how to save your progress? when logging off I lose all my coins and I have no way to go to different worlds.
Hello, thanks for your feedback, we can discuss some bugs in the discord since some things have been planned like this. for now i will work with pole vaulter
Hello sir, this is the best PvZ Versus Mode I've played so far
By the way, I forgot to tell you if there is bug when Plants side put Lily Pad on the ground. If it gets bitten by Zombie, the game will crash (remember, only Lily Pad on the ground, not on the water)
also, I wonder if someday the Plants side got a "Plant Food" ? I know if that's too OP, but it makes the game more interesting, I guess 😄
as for balance, we would probably have to attribute something similar to the zombies, currently there would be about 200 units, so it is too big a task. by the way thanks for reporting lily pad
Oh, one more thing. I don't know if this was intentional or not
All PvZ veteran knows if Parasol Zombie are immune to any lobbed shot plants. However, does it include manual shot from Banana Launcher and Holly Barrier too?
why I'm asking this? Because I found small issue when Zombie side put Parasol Zombie at bottom lane near Target Zombie and Plant side launch Banana Launcher to her. Okay, she deflects it, straight into the target Zombie, killing them instantly. Pretty funny huh? 😑
I think that having Pool, Fog, Roof, Day, and Night stages from PVZ 1 added in and already unlocked in the beggining would turn this from a 8/10 to a 20/10
hey i downloaded the launcher and i think i saw u comment there was a pool map? i didnt actually find it or it was probably my mind idk but good game i enjoy playing it with my brother
El juego esta calidad, lo malo es que esta en ingles, ademas me gustaria que añadieran el co-op para que los 2 sobrevivan a altas rondas pero el juego esta bastante buenob
1. Puedes cambiar el idioma de las descripciones de plantas/zombies. 2. En el modo online tienes disponible el modo piscina en el que puedes jugar cooperativo con otra persona, el objetivo es sobrevivir 25 minutos.
si ya encontre el español pero el multijugador en linea no me sirvo y no entiendo pq, simplemente no me sale ninguna partida host y cuando publico una nadie se mete.
← Return to game
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this is so cool :D
I think Punk zombie bug sometimes
I think online mode is dead please someone hop o
you could go to our discord and get some players
never thought I needed the feeling of spamming hordes at my friends
Good game
Очень сильный зомби горохострел стреляет по 4 пули, надо что-то делать очень сильный!
У меня есть вопрос, как играть в онлайн
В раздоре мы сможем общаться
В меню выбора растений и зомби если навести курсор на правый угол появится кнопка чтобы играть онлайн.
Hey, I noticed that the Russian translation for almanac is quite ...questionable, to say the least. I think I can help since I am pretty fluent both at English AND Russian!
Привет! В чуть боле старых версиях игры (около 1.3) использовался ручной перевод, из-за небольшого недоразумения почему-то сменили на гугл перевод.
Я был ответственнен за перевод на русский язык и собирался исправить всё обратно, но забросил из-за личных проблем. Я был бы рад объединится, так как свежая перспектива и мнение были бы очень полезны!
I cant controll the zombie side to change the zombies... :( (sorry, I like to play with the Bold and Italic... literally)
enter the discord so we can talk better
have you tried extracting the .zip?
enter our discord in order to provide you with better assistance
work in windowns 7?
why just dont try?
Здравствуйте, Когда выйдет след. обновление?
Планируете ли вы добавлять новых растений ?
Игра переделывается на новом движке Godot, за прогрессом ты можешь следить в их дискорд группе.
Все новые растения и зомби будут добавлены уже в полностью новой версии игры. Версия доступная сейчас максимум будет получать исправления багов и балансировку слишком сильных растений или зомби.
Is it possible in the future updates if you're adding "Healthbar" for both Plants and Zombies? Like in PvZ Hybrid
hello, that's quite a complicated task in today's game. However I will be updating what I am working on in a devlog
have virus?
I wonder at what level you have to go to ask the creator of something if he hid a vidrus in his game, the only thing I can tell you is: Plants vs. Zombies It's Versus Time is a fan game inspired by PVZ2 and the Versus Mode PVZ1 that adds multiple maps, new features, and new units from Plants vs. Zombies 2. This game is allows local and online play with other players. The object of the game is to knockout three zombie targets or attack your opponent's house with hungry zombies. The game has a variety of modes, which include classical survival, Co-op Mode in pool, and plants vs Dr. Zomboss on the roof.
please add mobile port
I cant
У меня не работает управление с контроллера Xbox. Что делать? I can't control game with my XBOX controller. What can I do?
hello, xbox controllers are not compatible, however you can still use software like antimicro to emulate keyboard functionality.
Как получить монетки? извини за глупый вопрос
Монеты зарабатываются при игре по сети или в одиночном режиме выживания.
Спасибо.Удачи в этом,и других проектах!
я не совсем понял как установить мод,надо оригинал игры скачать?
это не мод, это полноценная игра, открыть файл, IVT 1.45.exe
а понятно спасибо
непонятно что делать
Вы должны войти в наш дискорд, там есть несколько русских, которые могут помочь вам.
Я использую переводчик
Finally , a pvz versus game that can be played at pc , AND PLAY IT LOCALLY
Really cool game. PvZ should be played like this!
finally i can play pvz with my brother.
Game is still peak
New updates? Nice, but I don't see any new plant / zombie yet, but the most important thing is :
Have you fixed Lily Pad bug?
there are 4 new plants and 2 new zombies. i dont remember what bug
Really? Maybe I have to check it first when I'm with my PC, because what I read in your changelog here are just balancing / buff / nerf
About Lily Pad bug : Have you forgotten? I was making a report to you about that a few months ago. When Lily Pad that placed on the ground (not on the water) gets bitten by Zombie, my game crashed. It's because in original PvZ 2, the zombies never eat Lily Pad on the ground, they just walk through it (like Spikeweed, for example) 😐
Please Add More PvZ1 Plants and Zombies And Make Plants vs. Zombies 2:It's CO-OP Time (which is pvz1 but it's only coop)
hello, what plants you want to see?.
You can play coop in online mode
I want to see Scaredy-shroom,Doom-shroom,Gloom-shroom and Cob Cannon (also that comment was on my alt account and this comment is from my main account)
doom-shroom is already in the game.
Also how do i get coins to get stuff from the shop?
you can get coins playing online, or in survival for one player
yay ill finally play with my friend, thank you
Hi, I loved your game is the best fan game of pvz I have ever played.
I write this comment to warning you of something you of a thing you have wroten in bad way of Spanish translation, this is in zombie "poncho" (in spanish), you have put in his desctiption: "puede o no aparecer con armadra) but the correct way of say it is: "puede on no aparecer con armadura"
Creo que tal y como esta es correcto, "on" no es una palabra del español
what is ivt maker
its to make custom levels
just one of the bests local mp i ever played
thanks :3
Trojan schoolgirl
its just a false positive
Hey man love your game, So there's definitely some things that need to be changed For balance purposes. For starters a lot of custom zombies Have a lot of damage output compared to their cost, And some are broken like though biotank zombie, where when defeated his head rolls and then destroys plants, but we found out that a bunch of projectiles kept on going over the head and it couldn't seem to damage it and instead of destroying one plant it destroys a couple in a lane, that definitely needs to be fixed.
some bugs I encountered. Bungee Zombie will jump the plant but will still behind behind enough to start eating the plant, both plants and zombies can place sunflowers and other plants stacked up on top each other. a lot of different zombies with movement abilities and Elaine jumping seems to jump a lot forward than they should be, the Egyptians Sun Steeler: plant side has no way to collect the sun before it's stolen, the Steeler does not stop moving when stealing Sun. when defeated plan side doesn't get any of their sun back.These are some of the things that need to be balanced and patched please keep up the work in developing this game because this is perfect fan game and we love to see it developed and patched further
Also do you know how to save your progress? when logging off I lose all my coins and I have no way to go to different worlds.
Hello, thanks for your feedback, we can discuss some bugs in the discord since some things have been planned like this. for now i will work with pole vaulter
Can you make a copy for android please
pls read the description, I cant do that.
I read it but whay you cant it is hard or what pls answer me
its hard, clickteam limitations
thanks to tel me
Do I download the launcher alongside the game zip file to get automatic updates or just the launcher and no game?
just launcher and no game
Hello sir, this is the best PvZ Versus Mode I've played so far
By the way, I forgot to tell you if there is bug when Plants side put Lily Pad on the ground. If it gets bitten by Zombie, the game will crash (remember, only Lily Pad on the ground, not on the water)
also, I wonder if someday the Plants side got a "Plant Food" ? I know if that's too OP, but it makes the game more interesting, I guess 😄
as for balance, we would probably have to attribute something similar to the zombies, currently there would be about 200 units, so it is too big a task. by the way thanks for reporting lily pad
Oh, one more thing. I don't know if this was intentional or not
All PvZ veteran knows if Parasol Zombie are immune to any lobbed shot plants. However, does it include manual shot from Banana Launcher and Holly Barrier too?
why I'm asking this? Because I found small issue when Zombie side put Parasol Zombie at bottom lane near Target Zombie and Plant side launch Banana Launcher to her. Okay, she deflects it, straight into the target Zombie, killing them instantly. Pretty funny huh? 😑
in that case she is immune so it is a funny interaction
I think that having Pool, Fog, Roof, Day, and Night stages from PVZ 1 added in and already unlocked in the beggining would turn this from a 8/10 to a 20/10
you can play roof in local(1.35 version). Others are just incompatibles.
hey i downloaded the launcher and i think i saw u comment there was a pool map? i didnt actually find it or it was probably my mind idk but good game i enjoy playing it with my brother
pool mode is available in online mode
okay thnak you :D
El juego esta calidad, lo malo es que esta en ingles, ademas me gustaria que añadieran el co-op para que los 2 sobrevivan a altas rondas pero el juego esta bastante buenob
1. Puedes cambiar el idioma de las descripciones de plantas/zombies.
2. En el modo online tienes disponible el modo piscina en el que puedes jugar cooperativo con otra persona, el objetivo es sobrevivir 25 minutos.
si ya encontre el español pero el multijugador en linea no me sirvo y no entiendo pq, simplemente no me sale ninguna partida host y cuando publico una nadie se mete.
El juego no es muy popular ( :( ). Te recomiendo entrar al discord, ahi podras encontrar a alguien.
Es un buen juego de pvz tiene la esencia del 1 pero tambien la del 2 es muy buena alternativa para jugar un juego como los originales
aun asi es un muy buen juego por si solo no nesesitas jugar los otros el juego en si es muy bien
Hey buddy, are u interested in help related to translations into portuguese and spanish?